Born May 30th at 1:53 am
8 lbs 5 oz
21 inches long
I started having contractions at about 1 pm on May 29th. They varied from 10 minutes to 5 minutes apart. They were pretty manageable and I continued to work until 5 pm. Once I got home it was off to the Western States Insurance (Ryan's employer) BBQ. Our thought was why sit home and dwell on the contractions, and getting out will keep things moving. It worked! We labored at home for a few more hours and then finally went to the hospital at 10:30 pm. I was 5 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I was able to labor in the bathtub for two hours and then they dragged me back into the bed to find out that I was 9 cm dilated! Ryan, and Christy were awesome coaches, and little Aiden was born after only about 30 minutes of pushing. It was an amazing experience and I couldn't have done it drug free without Christy and Ryan.
We're still trying to catch up on sleep since we were too jacked up . I've gotten about 4 - 30 minute naps and Ryan's gotten just a little more. We just moved to a better room and hope to take a few more pictures tomorrow so stay tuned. We get to go home on Sunday afternoon.
Thanks for reading this novel :-)