Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I was warned, but I didn't listen. I'm like that... a little stubborn. I was warned by many photography friends that I should not schedule any photo sessions after my 6 month of pregnancy. I though "YEAH RIGHT" just when the weather starts getting nice around Bozeman STOP working. I got a taste of what they were talking about last week. I had a newborn session with the handsome baby Rio and there was no way I was going to turn it down. How could I resist this precious baby?!?

The session was great, HOT but great. Once I got home I laid down on the couch to take a rest and could barely walk once I got up. My hips were so sore. Ryan was out of town so every time the dogs needed something it was up to me. I looked like an old lady trying to hobble around the house. Luckily I was just fine the next day. So I'll still schedule sessions, but I'll just keep the day after free for recovery. Now about that wedding I'm shooting May 24th....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Granny fever

Granny fever has really hit my mom :-) We stopped off at Lily Lu the other day, just to browse, but my mom turned into a kid in a candy store it was hilarious. She was in LOVE with so many cute little baby things. Most of it fancy girl things. I'm in love with what she picked out to purchase though! This cute monkey onesie from Small Paul. She loved it so much she bought TWO so that baby can wear it from 0-6+ months.

The nursery has a little bit of a sock monkey theme so it fits perfectly.

Monday, April 28, 2008

the belly - 34 weeks

We've made it to 81/2 months! 34 weeks down 6 to go!

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I'm getting big though. I have a whole batch of "maternity" shirts that are already too short, which doesn't really make sense. Shouldn't they be long enough to cover a pregnant belly?

I'm actually a two days shy of 35 weeks, but the picture I took last week was bad... and it took me until to day to get off my duff and do it again.

We had a doctors appointment on Friday and everything is checking out great. Baby is head down and has a heartbeat in the 140s. Something about the doctors office really woke baby up though! Usually baby sleeps all day and just has a few active parts of the day. On Friday baby wouldn't stop moving! A favorite was to push his/her hands against my hip bone and pushing his/her butt up into my ribs. Its always funny when people ask "Is baby moving?" but then catch themselves and say "Whoa I can see it!" LOL

More frequent updates coming :-) If you're out there reading this you should leave me a comment so that I know who is out there... it isn't nice to just be a lurker :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Throwback Thursday...

Wasn't Ryan a cutie as a kid!

I hope my baby looks just like him :-)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I finally picked up my camera...

and all she gave me was this lousy shot. I'm home sick (again... I know!) and I picked up my camera to take the memory card out when she just looked up... "here I am, take my picture." After one snap she realized I'd give her attention and came running over for some kisses. I tried to set up a back drop and do a few more, but she was all about being loved and not sitting for me. Oh well... maybe next time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

the belly - 31 weeks

I got a week ahead of myself and took the belly picture at 31 weeks vs 32 weeks. Now I'm too lazy to pull out the tripod, move the glider and do it all again. And it won't stop snowing! so there isn't amazing light. Seriously! when is spring going to arrive? isn't is April?

The end is coming! Only 8 more weeks until baby is "supposed" to arrive. This week we are starting to go to the doctor every two weeks. The baby is moving around A LOT and doesn't like any pressure, I can't even rest my hands on my belly without getting kicked.

The one side effect that I don't appreciate about this pregnancy is that it has sucked up my desire to take pictures. We went to visit our good friends in Kalispell, and I usually come home with over 200 photos... I didn't take my camera out of the bag...maybe not even the car! I still take photos for work, but the personal photos just take a lot of motivation. I hope it fades soon!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Baby's room phase 1

The baby's room is almost ready! I had good intentions of taking a before picture, but forgot. I was going to take pictures of us working away... but I forgot. I was also going to take pictures without the furniture...but I forgot to do that too. OOPS

Well here is the nursery phase one, kind of. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Ryan (Mr. I don't care) had to have a chair rail so we compromised on the paint and I gave into the chair rail. I must say that it looks much better than I expected. Our brother-in-law John helped with the painting and turned a three day job into a 5 hour job, and made it look much better than we could have. It is hard to tell in the pictures but the bottom color is a light sage and the top is a mint green. I love that its gender neutral but doesn't say "baby's room".

Here is the view from the doorway.

And the view from the closet.

The crib & changing table are from Ikea and a gift from my parents. We got a lot of accessories from Ikea as well like the blue blanket, white fur, curtains and more. The glider was a steal of a deal and only cost me a few hours of babysitting. The curtain rod is from Land of Nod clearance for $10 for the whole set with shipping!

I have a things that are going on the walls, but I haven't decided if the furniture will stay in its present location so I don't want to put up the wall stuff just yet.

Thanks for visiting! only 9 more weeks!