Granny fever has really hit my mom :-) We stopped off at Lily Lu the other day, just to browse, but my mom turned into a kid in a candy store it was hilarious. She was in LOVE with so many cute little baby things. Most of it fancy girl things. I'm in love with what she picked out to purchase though! This cute monkey onesie from Small Paul. She loved it so much she bought TWO so that baby can wear it from 0-6+ months.

The nursery has a little bit of a sock monkey theme so it fits perfectly.
1 comment:
Hi Kelly!! YAY! I'm glad you wrote on our blog so I have your address now. I'm so excited for you to be a mom, you're going to be SO cute. I can't wait to see pictures of your baby. Kelly, you are quite the photographer! Holy cow! SOOOO good! I'm trying to think of a way we can get our new baby up to Bozeman for a photo shoot. I miss you Kelly! I love that we can keep in touch over blogging. (Lame alternative, but better than nothing..) I'm adding you AND your photography blog to our list of friends and fam RIGHT NOW! xoxoxoxoxo Hi to Ryan and the doggies :) Love Julie
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