Prior to rolling over... this was the funnest game around our house.
baby trick from Kelly Kuntz on Vimeo.
Ryan thought it was VERY inappropriate and would sternly tell Aiden no and try and make him stop... once I explained that the books say it helps him learn to use his lips and tongue so he can talk then the hard@$$ loosened up. Unfortunately the trick has come and gone...I'm glad I got it on video.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Aiden's new trick...
The "books" say that babies roll over at 4 - 6 months and from front to back... Aiden doesn't like to do things by the book.
click on the image to make it larger

My favorite part is how he holds his hands really tightly as if it makes it easier.

How did ya like that?
Now that he knows how he won't stop. Everytime he is on his back he flips over to his belly... then after a few minutes get pissed because he can't get back, but as soon as you roll him back over he rolls back to his belly... it is hilarious and a little annoying :-)
click on the image to make it larger

My favorite part is how he holds his hands really tightly as if it makes it easier.

How did ya like that?
Now that he knows how he won't stop. Everytime he is on his back he flips over to his belly... then after a few minutes get pissed because he can't get back, but as soon as you roll him back over he rolls back to his belly... it is hilarious and a little annoying :-)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Flathead Vacation Day four

This is the longest vacation wrap-up ever! I'm so behind at work that it is hard to find time to process personal pictures. On day four we visited the Martin family. We use to live next to them in the barn and we always have a good, relaxing time together. It was really chilly but we headed out to the park. Que the picture dump :-)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Flathead Vacation Day three
Flathead Vacation Day two

Aiden and Ryan ready to go. Mark said he's never seen a guy where the baby bjorn, but Ryan wears it like a true Daddy.

Mark and Jos looked for wildlife...

Little did we know what was walking towards us on the trail. Jos walked right around the tree almost into three mountain goats. We just stook to the side of the trail and let them do their thing.

Then it was back down the Going to the Sun road. Aiden fell asleep so Joslyn offered to stay in the car while we pulled off the side of the road to check out a small waterfall. The water was crystal clear and freezing cold, but that didn't stop a bunch of people from jumping in!

Friday, September 5, 2008

I don't know what Ryan has planned for tonight, but it involves Gammy and Grandpa babysitting and that is present in and of its self. Don't get me wrong I love Aiden to death, but the high pitched screaming really wears me out and sometimes mommy needs a break so she doesn't sell him to the gypsies.
I'd love to show you an older picture of us, but our computer crashed a few months after our wedding loosing everything, and I'm too lazy to pull out the scanner.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Flathead Vacation - Day One

On the first day of our trip we were visiting Mark and Joslyn. Unfortunately we didn't plan it very well and Mark had to work and Joslyn was coming back from
Aiden was napping, and Ryan was out getting coffee so I had to occupy myself... with xbox :-). I was playing Hexic a great simple game. Ryan returned with coffee... and had a little slip on the way in... oops :-) I played xbox for an HOUR and got such a high score that the game quit. It is amazing how much time you can waste when you have nothing hanging over your head, like proofing weddings, cleaning house and such. It was such a relaxing day. Mark and Jos felt bad, but it was so nice to sit around and do nothing except enjoy our baby when he wasn't napping.
Aiden is smiling and laughing a ton and it is so much fun.

He drools like crazy now.

Chilling with dad... maybe if I post these pictures enough Ryan will stop making faces when I point the camera at him... wishful thinking I know.

a funny video
A fun video of Grammy playing Patty Cake with Aiden. This was time 3+ of Patty Cake so he isn't laughing as hard as he originally was... but still cute.
I forgot that you can't flip the video so Ryan suggests you just turn your computer :-)
Patty Cake with Grammy from Kelly Kuntz on Vimeo.
I forgot that you can't flip the video so Ryan suggests you just turn your computer :-)
Patty Cake with Grammy from Kelly Kuntz on Vimeo.
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