The Blue Man Group rolled into Bozeman last Wednesday (yeah I'm slow at blogging) and we went with John and Jen (Ryan's sister and brother-in-law). It was part of Ryan's Christmas present to me. I'd been begging to go...when we were in Chicago...in Las Vegas...so we had to go if they were in Bozeman.
It was so fun! Much better than I had expected. Baby really enjoyed it too and spent the whole concert jumping around in my belly. The funniest part of the whole thing had to be when one of the Blue men opened up a cell phone to the audience. The whole audience answered back with a sea of blue glowing light LOL I think the day of the lighter is dead.
If you ever get a chance to go to Blue Man do it, but if you're in Vegas go to Cirque Du Soleil first :-)
Stay tuned for Sonogram pictures...
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